Zita West HUG Visualisations

HUG is different from other visualisations; they will help you to connect via your body’s nervous system to the heart, uterus and gut. Switching the body into parasympathetic mode through breathing and visualisation will give you access to your subconscious to enable you to change your mindset.

Hear what customers are saying:

“The visualisations are amazing.”
- Review for Trying To Conceive Naturally Visualisation

“The visualisation I bought is really helping so thank you, Zita.”
- Review for the Heart Uterus Connection Visualisation

Welcome to HUG Fertility Guided Visualisations.

Harness the Power of Visualisation: Visualisation is a profound tool that resides within each of us. There's no right or wrong way to do this; it's about finding your unique path. Through balanced breathing and guided imagery, we will journey together, starting with the solar plexus, the gateway to your body’s intricate nervous system.

Understanding Your Body-Mind Connection: Your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the bridge between your mind and body. It's the maestro orchestrating your organs, including the vital sexual ones. Your emotional state deeply influences your behavior, health, and overall well-being. By understanding your ANS, you gain control over these aspects of your life.

Calm, Heal, and Transform: Taking a moment to breathe triggers your body's peaceful, healing mode. As your breath deepens, your body transitions into the parasympathetic state, fostering calmness and tranquility. Remember, the mind guides the body, and the body, in turn, guides the mind. As you physically relax, your mind follows suit, leading to a serene harmony between your body and thoughts.

Guided Journeys for Deeper Insights: Incorporating insights from mBIT (multiple Brain Integration Techniques) training, these guided journeys stimulate your head, heart, gut, and pelvic neural intelligences. They tap into your intuitive wisdom, providing gifts, messages, dreams, and guidance, facilitating transformative change in your life.