Fertility Boosting Supplements When You’re Finding It Difficult

Our wide range of Fertility Boosting Supplements helps to support and improve your chances of a successful outcome, especially when aligned with a healthy lifestyle.

View our product range below or if you're not sure, get a free consultation or visit our FAQ’s

Fertility FAQs

How long does it take to get pregnant?


On average it can take couples between 8-12 months to fall pregnant. However ,if you’ve been trying for a while then it’s always sensible to check out how many of the factors most commonly associated with difficulties conceiving may apply to you.Learn more here.


When am I the most fertile during my cycle?


You’re most fertile at the time of ovulation, this is when the egg is released from the ovaries. Depending on your cycle length this will occur at different times for everyone. Generally it occurs 12 to 16 days before your next period starts. 


Sperm can live inside a woman’s body for up to 5 days so having regular sex throughout your cycle can boost your chances of conception as the sperm will be ready to fertilise when the egg is released.  


How can I boost my fertility to get pregnant?

Getting pregnant can require time, effort and commitment, and, more often than not, there will be obstacles along the way. But you’d be surprised how a few simple adjustments to your mindset and lifestyle could make it just that little bit easier.

We've written a blog post to give you your 10 step get faster plan. See this here.

Can supplements enhance fertility?

The correct nutrient intake is vital to produce adequate sperm, ovulate or maintain pregnancy.

Taking nutritional supplements can help support a balanced diet in ensuring you have the nutrient reserves to support your fertility.

Can supplements enhance fertility?

The correct nutrient intake is vital to produce adequate sperm, ovulate or maintain pregnancy.

Taking nutritional supplements can help support a balanced diet in ensuring you have the nutrient reserves to support your fertility.

What is the best supplement for fertility?


The best supplement for fertility is dependent on your health and fertility goals and so can be unique from person to person.


However, for those just starting out, we would recommend Vitafem for women and Vitamen for men, to support all the nutritional requirements for preconception.


Additionally recommended are DHA, Vitamin D, Menceive and Femceive. All of these are formulated to work together to support you when you start trying.


What age are men most fertile?


Men will continue to produce sperm throughout their life however, as they get older the quality of the sperm will decline. The quality of a man's semen will peak between the age of 30-35. Diet, stress, alcohol, smoking and exercise can all affect the quality of sperm, so it is important a man is supporting his sperm health at least 3 months before trying. 



Does stress affect my fertility?


Trying for a baby or going through fertility treatment can be a stressful time, however research does suggest that high stress may lower fertility chances. Whilst stress is unavoidable, try and find ways that help you unwind and relax like reading a book, mediation or going for a walk. Try and avoid hot baths or hot tubs when trying for a baby as this may affect sperm quality and increase the risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy. 


Do you have a specific supplement for iodine?


We do not have a specific supplement. However, both Vitafem and Vitafem Boost products contain 100% of your RDA of iodine within them, and have been formulated to be taken together. 


Can I take Vital DHA along with other vitamins and supplements?


DHA is certainly safe, and in fact recommended throughout pregnancy with any of multivitamins